The following is a portion from the book,
Identifies a mistake derived from the common perception of Zero Net Energy. It is a mistake which has likely been instrumental in preventing many scientists' attempts to reverse engineer the cosmos.
PAGE 5 ...Before your time travel journey begins, it is important to understand what the environment will be like at the start of your adventure. It is easy to say that there is nothing before the birth of the cosmos, but to state such a thing would be an understatement of the environment’s characteristics. For example, if a space is occupied by only nothing, then the empty space has the inherent characteristic of volume. With that little bit of insight, you can determine when you arrive at the beginning of time it will be roomy because it will have a vast supply of empty volume.
At the inception of time, you will encounter an empty void, but that void will have more characteristics than just emptiness. In his book, A Brief History of Time, and in his lifetime, Stephen Hawking stated that before the Big Bang there was absolutely nothing. His words were delivered without controversy because of a mystery which has perplexed physicists for decades. The mystery is known as Zero Net Energy.
So, what exactly is Zero Net Energy? Zero Net Energy is based on two undeniable observations. One of these observations is that space curves around matter, (energy).
The other observation is that space itself is not curved.
Space lacking curvature indicates that the total energy comprising all of the components within the cosmos is equal to the total energy within the cosmos. There is not a supply of extra energy in space, nor is there a deficit. If either one of those two variations existed, then the entirety of space would have curvature, and it does not.
While this might seem abstract and unimportant, Zero Net Energy is based on undeniable observations of nature and it is also a well-received idea in physics. However, there is a popular perception derived from Zero Net Energy which is incorrect. Some people perceive Zero Net Energy as meaning...
If all the energy which comprises space were removed, then nothing would remain. Therefore, all things are formed from nothing.
This perception of Zero Net Energy is incorrect. Likely, what is a correct, or a better perspective, is...
If all the energy is removed from the cosmos, what will remain is an infinite empty volume minus potential energy, and that will be less than the original native state of nothing. Therefore, all things in existence previously came from potential energy, and the first step in reverse engineering the cosmos is to understand how an empty void produces potential energy.
The reason this is likely correct is because of a scientific law called The Conservation of Energy and also because the cosmos is infinite in size.
(Note: As this is written, it is suspected by astronomers and theoretical physicists that the cosmos is infinite in size, but this is not known as a certainty. While it may not be considered a certainty by them, there a few reasons you can determine that the cosmos is infinite in size. One indicator is gained by observation. By observation, astronomers can see the universe minimally extends thousands of light years outwards without a visible ending. But that is only an indicator, because it only shows that the cosmos is at least ginormous. Ginormous may be really really big, but really really big is less than infinite. With only using observations, it could be the case that just beyond what is visible there is a border which encapsulates the cosmos.
A better, and more simple way for you to determine that the cosmos is of an infinite size is to consider the following: In nature something will not occur before nothing. Because nothing occurs before something, at the inception of time there will only be nothing. For only nothing to exist, an empty void must be infinite in size. The reason being; If something were to encapsulate, have a border with or be within the bounds of an empty void, then there would be more than just the empty void. Because nothing exists before something, no entity can encapsulate or be within the empty void at the inception of time. Because nothing can enclose the empty void, the void would be infinite in size. Because what exists now came from a beginning which was infinite in size, then what exists now will also be infinite in size, because an infinite amount of any kind, including volume, cannot be reduced or increased by addition or subtraction.)
Additionally, the perspective of zero net presented in this book is likely correct because of what is not observed in the cosmos. What is not observed in space are empty boxes which have markings showing they once contained energy.
In other words, there are no sources for energy. There are also no areas which seemingly housed a bunch of energy and released it. Additionally, because of its infinite size, it is not possible for the energy which exists to have come from a source outside of the cosmos. What is known to exist is an infinite cosmos with a universe traveling through it and it has no visible sources of supplied energy. An infinite size, and no supply sources of energy reveal that the empty void at the inception of time had the characteristic of being able to produce potential energy. It had this characteristic because energy exists now.
Despite its infinite in size, and potential to produce potential energy, the empty void would have lacked structure. The reason it would lack structure is because structure requires more than one component. Anything with more than one component will not exist at the inception of time, because items with more than one component are something or have something, and only nothing occurs before something. Because the empty void at the inception of time could produce, or become, potential energy, any potential energy it generated would be all the potential energy it could generate because it lacked structure. It would not have the characteristics of retention without the characteristics of structure.
For these reasons, if someone were to were remove all energy from the cosmos, then the resulting empty volume would not be the same as the empty volume which existed at the inception of time. They would in effect have stripped away the void’s essence which enables it to produce energy. They would have taken its potential energy, or ability to produce energy. The resulting void would be incapable of remaking you or anything else, because it would be less than the state of nothing at the inception of time.
So, when someone asks the question;
“What do you have when you remove all the energy from the cosmos?”
The correct answer should be;
“An infinitely sized empty volume minus the capacity of potential energy available at the inception of time which is an empty void which is less than the natural state of nothing. Or, less than zero. Thank you for asking.”
The answer would not be;
“Nothing would remain.”
The difference between the two perspectives of what would occur if all energy were removed from the cosmos may be seemingly trivial at first. The reason for pointing out this misinterpretation of Zero Net Energy made by astrophysicists and theoretical physicists is not to be petty or argumentative. The reason for pointing out the mistake is because it is hugely misleading. It will be misleading to anyone attempting to reverse engineer the cosmos, because at the starting point of the reverse engineering the mistake implies that all things are from a source of preexisting fully formed energy. It leaves the question as to what happens between energy existing and energy not existing.
The erroneous perspective of Zero Net Energy, combined with other equations such as E=MC², f=ma, and the observations of an expanding universe derives at an answer which is incorrect. It makes it seem as though all things were always existing in a condensed form and then without explanation they expanded outwards. This idea is more commonly known as The Big Bang Theory. A major dilemma with the Big Bang Theory is that it relies on the existence of something before nothing. It does not explain how the condensed mass which expanded outwards in a big bang event came into existence before it expanded.
Now, in relation to your up-and-coming time travel journey, this bit concerning Zero Net Energy means only one thing. From it you will take an understanding that when you arrive at the beginning of time, the vast emptiness you will encounter will not have energy. It will not have any energy because nothing occurs before something. However, the empty void will somehow be able to produce potential energy.
You have reached the end of this portion of the book From Nothing to Something, A Hypothesis of Unified Theory.
There are other samples of the book on The index of the first book of the trilogy is included here.
Introduction: Page 2-3
Chapter 1: Your time travel journey.
Page 4
Preparing for a time travel journey.
Page 4
What is the Zero Net Energy mistake?
Pages 5-10
Your first time travel journeys
Pages 10-45
Chapter 2: Reexamining your journey. Page 46
What is E=MC² really?
Pages 48-50
Why the conservation of energy exists?
Page 55
Why do the laws of motion exist?
Page 56
What is the Divisional Rule of Voids
Page 57
Energy distribution within subatomic forms
Pages 58-66
Diving deep into the first second of your time travel journey.
Page 66
What causes gravity?
Page 68
Why and what is the smallest size which can exist? Page 71
What does Pi have to do with everything?
Page 73
Chapter 3: Black hole dynamics. Page 89
Neutrons, periodic table & atomic energy.
Page 101
Matter being consumed by a black hole.
Page 108
Page 115
How do cores and mantles develop?
Page 120
The birth of a black hole.
Page 126
Supernova dynamics.
Page 129
The solution to the Pioneer Anomaly.
Page 136
A guide to the galaxy.
Page 139
Chapter 4: Quantum physics Page 146
Chapter 5: Electromagnetic Spectrum Page 161
Chapter 6: Modeling Unified Theory Page 174 .
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